Many times I have baked, an continued editing, and baked, and continued editing only to have unity crash(not anyportrits fault). I dont loose much but i have done more damage trying to figure out whats not connected.
Now i bake, move down editor, menu> save scene, menu> save project ..from fear everytime. I would love a bake+ button.
thanks for consideration
여러 번 굽고, 계속 편집하고, 굽고, 계속 편집했지만 Unity 충돌(모든 포트 결함 아님)만 발생했습니다. 나는 많이 풀지 않았지만 무엇이 연결되지 않았는지 알아 내려고 더 많은 피해를 입혔습니다.
이제 굽고, 편집기 아래로 이동하고, 메뉴> 장면 저장, 메뉴> 프로젝트 저장 .. 매번 두려움에서. 베이크+ 버튼을 원합니다.
고려해 주셔서 감사합니다
Your suggestion has been applied in today's updated v1.4.5.
If you check the "Save scenes after Bake" added to the Bake dialog and execute Bake, the scene is automatically saved together.
When the AnyPortrait editor is running, the "Dirty" state of the Unity project is maintained and it may seem as if it is not saved, but it is saved per Bake is executed.
The description of the Bake dialog can be found in the following updated manual.
You can also see other changes in this update at the page below.
Thanks for the idea!
It looks like what you're asking is "Scenes and Projects are also saved when Bake in the AnyPortrait editor".
We think we can provide that option in the Bake dialog.
If possible, we will positively consider applying that option.
However, this function may not guarantee saving edits to other edited assets (e.g. Prefabs).
We know that it is possible to save only scenes remotely in Unity, but it has restricted the ability to remotely save all changed assets at once.
We'll have to check further to see if there are other alternatives, but if not, we are guessing it's only possible to save Scenes that have AnyPortrait's characters.
Thanks for the great idea!