Here are some notes I took while going through the "Make a Slime" tutorial here:
(1a) When I click add mesh, if I enter the "Name" in the edit box and do not press enter after typing new name, then click "Change Image" or "Make Mesh". The new name is lost. This problem exists with all edit boxes everywhere in AnyPortrait. Data is lost from an edit box when it loses focus if enter was not pressed. (Another example: If I click on the edit box to enter "min value", then click on the edit box below to enter "max value", the min value is lost). The enter key needs to be pressed…
(1b) When I click "Make new portrait" and enter a name for the new portrait in the edit box I expect pressing enter to accept the name. Instead, pressing enter does nothing. I have to click on the "Make Portrait" button to proceed.
(2) When clicking add mesh, the image defaults to empty. It should default to the last image used.
(3) Here's a mesh...

After "Pivot", the left eye is gone…

Looks like I had a vertex in the left eye, did that cause make polygon to fail?
(4) After baking the Slime, and fixing the material library for URP and scaling bake to 0.001 instead of the default of 0.01, the slime appears in the game view but is very aliased:

Maybe this is expected since he was scaled down to 1/10th of the original size?
(5) When I bake the slime, the gameobject appears behind other gameobjects in my scene. I adjusted the slime Z position and it was good. But re-baking sets the Z-position back to 0 instead of keeping my new value.
(6) It wasn’t immediately clear to me how to save my progress. I thought AnyPortrait maintained its own copy… (I guess baking to the scene is how to save). I deleted the Slime from the scene after baking and re-opened AnyPortrait but could not find the slime anywhere to load. I returned to the scene in Unity and pressed Ctrl-Z to recover the deleted Slime and was able to load him in AnyPortrait.
If I remove the Slime gameobject from the Hierarchy, where is his information stored in the project?
(7) Maybe there should be an Icon Preset for Mouth since speech and lip syncing are something common?
(8) Transform Controller – assigning keys is virtually impossible. First, the user needs to know that the setting for which meshes are visible are hidden behind some color option. And that the color option has nothing to do with color – it is required to select the mesh. The record button does not associate the mesh with the slider position, it just creates a slot for recording the keys…
If a user clicks a Control Parameter while a mesh is selected - that mesh becomes the first key of the slider control. You need to press [X] to delete that invalid key! Delete the bad key and re-record making sure you get a green square next to the meshes belonging to the slider only.
After 2 hours of experiments, I think I figured it out: Add controller. Then remove the bad key. Then move slider to each position and press record. Then select correct meshes and press add keys. Turn on color option to be able to active the meshes. Then go back and for each slider position set the correct meshes. Wow!
(9) Add modifier: Physic --> Physics
(10)Physics material, I selected the “body” mesh but cannot select vertices with mouse (they are all greyed out). I was able to only select 1 then press shift to select the others. It seems there’s something wrong with selecting verticies… I was able to work around the issue using the shift key – this was the only way to get verticies selected.
(11) When making a thumbnail, the file path edit box starts out empty. Should start out with the default path that clicking browse started with. Also, if I’ve created a previous thumbnail, it should remember the last location.
I made my first slime... Yay!
We will respond to each of your questions and feedback.
(1) AnyPortrait uses the Unity Editor API, and most of the UIs that input values are applied only when the Enter key is pressed are used.
We must separately implement the case where the focus of the UI is lost, but it is difficult to implement additional events due to the performance problem of AnyPortrait Editor.
(Current Editor's performance is affected by UI more than AnyPortrait system!)
We will consider it, but it may be difficult to be improved.
(2) That's a good idea to consider when there is only one image. Thank you.
However, forcing the last image to be the default may cause inconvenience depending on the user's working style.
(3) There is no case where the polygons of the mesh are not created normally due to the Pivot change.
Try pressing the Make Polygons button again, or check if the vertices are connected properly.
(4) Reducing the size by itself does not cause aliasing problems.
Camera properties, rendering settings in the project environment, screen resolution, post-processing, etc. can cause this problem.
Also, check if the Game View is zoomed in the Unity Editor.
(5) The Z position reset every time you do a Bake is probably because you moved the children of the GameObject created with AnyPortrait.
When Bake is performed, child GameObjects are positioned according to the Bake option.
Child GameObjects are affected by AnyPortrait's system, so don't move them.
Instead, adjust the position of the character GameObject or its parent GameObject.
(6) AnyPortrait data storage method follows the Unity method.
AnyPortrait saves data to GameObject, not to other external files.
When you create a new Portrait, a new GameObject is created in the Unity Scene, which is the Portrait you created.
It seems that you probably think doing Bake saves it to the scene, but that's not true.
Bake is just the process of making your character visible and running in the Unity Scene.
In other words, don't delete a created GameObject!
To save your work process, press Ctrl+S in AnyPortrait Editor regardless of Bake.
When the Unity Scene is saved, the work created with AnyPortrait is also saved.
Additionally, there is a function to save externally in AnyPortrait, which is the "Backup".
You can see this from the following link.
(7) We did not understand the relationship between Lip-Sync and Icon Preset.
We described the Lip-Sync example in another forum post, and we think it will help you.
Using AnyPortrait's script functions you can synchronize the shape of the mouth with the sound.
You can see the functions for setting Control Parameters on the below page.
(8) Modifier values including color are always applied to the target.
Select meshes or bones and assign values according to control parameters or animations.
Perhaps you have solved the problem, but if you are still struggling, you can easily understand it by looking at our tutorials.
(9) Thank you for reporting the wrong word.
(10) You can select multiple vertices by dragging the mouse.
If not, check the following.
- "Edit Mode" must be turned on. The shortcut key is the A key.
- "Selection Lock" must be turned on. The shortcut key is the S key.
(11) Thanks for the comment about the file path.
We will refer to improving the UX of the Editor.
Thanks a lot for your feedback!